Rare ‘extreme’ headaches target of magic mushroom trial - Our interview with "The Australian"
I recently had the opportunity to speak with The Australian about the promising research on using psilocybin to treat cluster headache....
Rare ‘extreme’ headaches target of magic mushroom trial - Our interview with "The Australian"
Interview with Prof. Sacco, the Editor-in-Chief of Cephalalgia journal
SBS Persian podcast: how to manage migraine
Have we reached a turning point with migraine medication? - The Inquiry: BBC Podcast
Interview with PsyPsot- Blood pressure medications for migraine management
Towards better migraine management on a global scale
Blood pressure medications and migraine - Interview with SBS News
‘Do you know the difference between migraine and headache?’
Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Alter Migraine Attack Frequency, Triggers?